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Released: November 19, 2021

  1. Art Bleeds Money — Lyrics || Video
  2. Disharmony As Vice
  3. The Absolute Shall — Lyrics
  4. Dyscalculia
  5. Normal — Lyrics
  6. Buy Fuck Die
  7. Vulgar Divide
  8. Electra Complex
  9. Autist

Art Bleeds Money

You’re clickbait
The voice of the devil says,
“So what?”
You’re clickbait
Walk it off
The voice of the devil says,
“So what?”
“So what?”
You’re clickbait
The voice of the devil says,
“So what?”


The Absolute Shall

That breathless hunted feeling
So always
So present
It’s a curious thing to be fine and exploding simultaneously
I am the creature of a million unknowable habits
And I still expect to label them
Control every wave
Numb to all shock to all pulse

Transition time again
Seep me away with you bitter glory
The brittle promise of a calm completion
A message written
A five year plan

The music revealed its dumb secrets
It’s gentle nourishing toxicity
And vice
In a frosted glass box lays a boy


I defend nothing
In my raw lack of knowing
My lack of composure
Who among you, you sloppy masses
Can shake the wrongness you nurture
The goonish bravado
Where are those crystal precise in their truths?
Fearless with logic
Unbounded by vice
Who can offer me normal?
I need you